Name Game, ‘OCPAC’ becomes Segerstrom Center for the Arts

Name Game, ‘OCPAC’ becomes Segerstrom Center for the Arts

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When one of OC's most generous and infamous families calls a meeting, we attend. A big a announcement was coming and refreshments were thrown in to entice hungry writers to the scene.   After grumbling about paying $8 to park I moseyed over to the first free food and drink station and proceeded to up my sugar intake for the week.  They sure know how to throw a party.  Live music, free donuts, fireworks and even good old Schwarzenegger came out of retirement for the event. 

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Lots of suits and tension filled the outdoor area between buildings at the now defunct, and BTW entirely funded by private initiative, Orange County Performing Arts Center.  That's right, there is a new name in town, the "Segerstrom Center for the Arts," new logo and all.

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The new name is perhaps auspice to change and honors one of (if not) THE most art-minded philanthropic Orange County families, The Segerstroms. 


With the abundance of money, affluence, and fair weather we are so very fortunate to enjoy in the OC- when it comes to culture it seems that the few and the brave stand and deliver. . . while the rest retreat to Fashion Island for happy hour and a little touch-up.

To show that they mean business, the Segerstrom Center for the Arts will be offering 10,000 tickets to performances for the upcoming 25th anniversary season at only $10 bucks each, in addition to bringing a number of international groups to the OC, the first of which a collaboration between the center and the Bolshoi Ballet. 


Go Segerstroms, thank you for all your support.

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Richard Serra from the inside up.


All photo credits go to Joanna Grasso.


OC Art Blog
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