Mindy Cherri & Joanna Grasso Opening Pics

Mindy Cherri & Joanna Grasso Opening Pics

Thanks to everybody that came out to support the space and the artists. The show was a resounding success. Both the artists and I appreciate your support. As usual some bad photos follow:

Sex1_2 Mindy Cherri

Sex2 Mindy Cherri


Sex4 Joanna Grasso

Sex5 Joanna Grasso Video Still

Sex6_1 Tulsa Kinney from Artillery broke through the Orange Curtain. Very nice surprise.

Sex7 Jackie Bunge

Sex8_1 Artist Bob Pece. Look for him at GCAC next Saturday night.

Sex9 Carrie Yury

Sex10_1 Mrs. OC Art Blog tending bar.

Sex11 Art fans

Sex12 Crowd shot. Hope to see you next month.

OC Art Blog