Letter From Santa

Letter From Santa

(I found this under my tree this morning)

Dear Christopher,

I’m leaving you this note to let you know, for the most part this year you have been a good boy. However there are a few items I would like you to tend to in the coming year. They Include:

1. You are not a writer. I know you feel inadequate in comparison to Tyler at MAN and Franklin at Artblog.net. I know you wish you could write as intelligently and biting as Sarah at Forward Retreat and Dan at Iconoduel but you just have to do what you do and continue to improve. However, please continue to work on the spelling and grammar…OK?

2. Speaking of art writing please make an effort to be kind to Brian Sholis and his like in the coming year. Please understand that underneath that cold hard exterior of art-speak and academia is just a little boy trying to get acceptance and validation from his peers. He just thinks he has to try a little harder.

3. Continue to write about your own art collecting activities. I’m pretty sure your readers get that you don’t fancy yourself some supercollector but are just trying to open up the process a bit and however clumsy you may appear, they hopefully will know that you are passionate about contemporary art and the support of emerging artists.

4. Get out more in OC. I know there aren’t many established galleries in The OC showing contemporary art but there are many alternative spaces that are out there doing weekend shows, one night stands, etc., that could still use the support. Be sure to give them their due.

5. Take lots of pictures of your art travels. Keep this blog visually interesting.

6. Do unto others…

So having said that, I have decided to leave you this Whitney Bedford Painting that was acquired from the elves over at cherrydelosreyes. Keep up the good work.

Your Friend Santa


(actually the Bedford was my gift from the wife….isn’t she the best!)

(Happy Holidays!!)

OC Art Blog
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