Confession Time

Confession Time

Chagallred_lovers I love Marc Chagall

Picasso vs. Matisse?? I choose Chagall!

Yes, I know this could damage my street cred considerably…

but when I see a painting of his wife Bella and flowers and his childhood village I can’t help but feel the LOVE.

That’s what we need more of in art today…..LOVE

For the last several years we have been wading through art that is smart, ironic, goth and cynical. We’ve had art that poses as romantic but is really (to coin Tyler @ MAN) just glue and glitter.

…..and enough of the illustration in Galleries…OK?? Make posters, there’s more money in it. That’s how Go Go got his start.

I digress.

With everything going on in the world today, I know this rant can sound a bit Pollyanna (or worse, like some hippie).

But please….bring back the LOVE.

OC Art Blog
  • Caryn Coleman
    Posted at 09:39h, 05 January

    Happy New Year!
    I have a question: how does Paul Frank fit into your theory about not showing illustrators?

  • Chris
    Posted at 09:51h, 05 January

    Happy New Year Caryn!
    I didn’t curate and I give any guest curator total freedom. I’d let em hang a turd if they felt compelled.
    I know I’m in the minority on this one. Just my opinion. It’s probably more of a statement about the current quality of art being produced. Quality is low so gallerists are resorting to showing illustration on their walls.
    See you at artLA!

  • Caryn Coleman
    Posted at 15:25h, 05 January

    I know it’s a guest curated show (and I know Paul) but he’s about as commercial and illustration-based as it gets.
    I think it’s dangerous to equate low quality with illustration. I’m not particularly fond of a lot of the work being mass-generated but to indicate that illustration art isn’t, indeed, worthy of being on a gallery wall brings about some serious issues namely ideas of elitism. Regardless, there is so much good art out there that no one should be worrying about resorting to anything they don’t want to show. Rather, people should show what they like, even if it is illustration.
    Yes indeed, see you at artLA.

  • Chris
    Posted at 23:54h, 05 January

    Well, I didn’t equate illustration with low quality. Actually most of the illustration is very professional.
    But so are many of those sunset and beach paintings in all those Laguna galleries.
    I just prefer a little challenge/substance/discourse….it’s not elitist…just my preference.
    I mean, I still think Warhol would have loved Kincaid…

  • carol es
    Posted at 09:36h, 17 January

    i have to whole-heatedly agree about there being quite enough illustrators in the gallery scene. i feel there is a distinction, albeit opinion and taste, the illustration element is an obvious one. it screams trend and graphic design loud and clear, and although it can be high quality, it’s still is what it is: illustration — especially when it’s hard to tell the artists apart. so tiresome.