Collecting Finishing School & The Judge

Collecting Finishing School & The Judge

Cae Went to the HB Art Center Friday night to meet Ed Giardina of Finishing School and pick up the work I won in the silent auction that was part of the Detours show. All proceeds went to support the defense fund for Critical Art Ensemble.

Ed and I were also there because we were asked to help judge the local High School District art show (one of the high schools included was the one I was thrown out of…but keep that between you and me). I have never been asked to judge High School work so it was a new adventure for me. It’s not as easy as it looks. Ed being a teacher is an old pro at this, but not me. I kept thinking that each person that didn’t get recognized might stop their art education all together and I would be the one to blame….ahhhh the pressure! Anyway we worked it out and eventually came to a compromise on our picks….after 2 hours. Of course Ed went right to the socially conscious/politically charged work and I went to the work where I thought an award or recognition might just keep them on the path of sharpening their skills. A fun time was had by all.

OC Art Blog
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