I think..

I think..

Today I went over to OCMA to check out the recent show Disorderly Conduct: Recent Art in Tumultuous Times. I searched and searched but could find no disorder. But kudos to this exhibit for capturing what’s been going on in art since 9-11 and beyond. Boredom. Slick. Soulless.

All this after catching this little piece on NPR this morning. You have to listen to this. At the end of the piece Henriette Huldisch co-Curator of this years biennial vomits a bit of art speak about the NPR Project (Neighborhood Public Radio), then the interviewer asks Ms. Huldisch what’s the difference between the NPR  Project and any pirate radio station? Her response? "Uh….I have to come up with a good answer for that"

She never did.

So folks that’s the state of art making right now. Scratch the surface just a little bit and you’ll find emptiness. That’s the state of our tumultuous times I want some brave curator to accurately capture.

OC Art Blog
  • Michael Buitron
    Posted at 20:06h, 22 March

    I think that part of the problem is that the institutions that display art are in the business of answering to multiple funders, and in the process, take a middle path that leads to mediocrity. I think the Hammer is another great example of an institution that tries to pass itself off as capturing the art world zeitgeist. Wandering through their shows, one would never know (for example) that there’s a war going on.

  • melissa williams
    Posted at 10:41h, 30 March

    I was there the same day! I completely agree about the conduct, it was very orderly. I loved the art from the 1960’s exhibit, but the contemporary exhibit was lacking. Bravery indeed is needed on the part of a curator to accurately capture the art in “tumultuous times” such as these.