Art Events

I was able to escape some meetings yesterday and make my way over to the Dallas Museum of Art and the Nasher Sculpture Center. The Dallas Museum was showing the Robert Smithson retrospective that had just left LA and it was good to see it in Dallas. Call me crazy but as I was walking through this show I kept thinking of the Dieter Roth retro that MOMA showed last year. They both tackle entropy and decay and they both had that mad scientist thing going....

This Saturday night is going to be busy. Can't wait to see the new show opening up at The Huntington Beach Art Center this Saturday. Ed, Brian And Xtine of the art collective Finishing School will be part of a show that will examine artist collective practices and their motivations. Also participating will be Survival Research Laboratories and The Center for Tactical Magic. The show will open Saturday with a panel discussion from 6-7pm and then run from 7-10pm. Finishing School has set up a store where...

Thought I'd let everybody know that we have our own little Ansel Adams show opening this coming Monday at the Old County Courthouse in Santa Ana. Ansel Adams - Inspiration & Influence will also feature work by other very well known photographers including, Dorothea Lange, Edward Stieglitz & Edward Weston. It's been awhile since I had to be in a courthouse but now I think I got a legitimate reason to go back...

In preperation of the Detours show that will be opening at the HB Art Center next Saturday (more about that later). The Center for Tactical Magic will be hosting "Uprising" this Sunday in Huntington Beach. If you enjoyed Joel Tauber's work in this years California Biennial this should be right up your alley. All the details can be found here. UPRISING! is a community kite-making project that invites participants to design and build their own kites with a message they wish to communicate from up high....

Sorry to say this is the last weekend of The OsCene at The Laguna Art Museum. So if you haven't been yet, get out there. I'm going to try and run over there this weekend and get some pictures before it comes down and post them here. ...

As someone who surfs, (it's required if you grow up in HB) I feel obligated to let you know about an opening that everybody should attend. Granny, otherwise known as Leroy Grannis opens a show of his groundbreaking surf photography at MB Fine Art on Saturday night. Do you think Catherine Opie will be there?? Details follow: Birth of a Culture: 60’s & 70’s Surf Photography by Leroy Grannis February 26 through March 30, 2005 Opening Reception: Saturday, February 26, 6pm-8pm MB FINE ART Contact, Benjamin Trigano Tel. 310.550.0050, fax, 310.550.0605 612...

I'd like to say thank you to all the people that braved the weather and came out tonight to the Saratoga Semblence opening at The Office. We were very surprised at the turnout and are excited that people are getting out there and supporting the local scene. Some photo's follow, click to enlarge Art fans. More art fans. Checking out Megan's sculpture. Hey, there's Jamie & Wendi of Wendi Grant Designs. Buy her jewelry. It kicks ass. Saratoga Semblence. Ali's new work. Megan's proposition. ...

Who knew there was so much art stuff to do in Orange County. This weekend is loaded with stuff to do so you don't have to drive to LA in the rain. So be brave and get out and see it all. I'm happy to report that the OC will be getting some Old School over at Sarah Bain Gallery this weekend. The Art of Dr. Suess opens tonight and will run until 10pm. All you new school illustrators should get out there and learn...

For all the aspiring filmmakers out there (we are near LA). I would like to make you aware that Rat Powered Films is seeking films for upcoming events in 2005. Good Luck! The goal of Rat Powered Films is to establish our screenings and festivals, and to create a local environment that will nurture the growth of unique artistic visions in video and filmmaking and generate an audience for that work. We provide a forum for experimental works (narrative, documentary, and comedy to super 8...

Went down to Costa Mesa for lunch today to eat at one of my favorites Native Foods, and while there I discovered that a group of enterprising artists have turned some available space at The Camp into an art co-op. They work is varied and OC's own, Aaron Kraten is in this month's show. Go check it out. All the info can be found here. ...

"Beautiful Losers is driven by a renegade optimism and street smart rebelliousness. Its best works are less topsy-turvy than the world they inhabit. Immanently reasonable they argue that when winning is as ugly as it is today, losing is a far better option: It leaves room for beauty, independent thinking and the freedom essential to both." - David Pagel Likes: Clare Rojas, Margaret Kilgallen, Thomas Campbell, Phil Frost Dislikes: Ed Templeton: "These tedious works rehearse cliches already worn thin." The whole article can be found here. ...

Come together & join us for the first annual artLUST,a fun-raiser for artUS magazine. A sexy celebration & art event topped off with cocktails & music. DJ Paul V. spins an eclectic mash-up to homemade fetish videos curated by Bruce Yonemoto & Dave Burns, with special guest performances by Rev. Al’s Art of Bleeding, Dame Darcy, Janet Pants, & Malik & Alex of My Barbarian (donation of $20 please). Saturday, February 26 from 8pm-2am, at THE*SPACE located at 125 W.4th St., in downtown Los Angeles...

Sorry for the lack of posts the last few days. It's been a combination of being really busy and really uninspired...

A couple things going on this weekend that should be noted. Of course Beautiful Losers opens Saturday at OCMA. It goes from 8-12pm and there will be live performances and DJ's. Bring your stick...

With artLA and all I forgot to mention last week that Candida Hofer is opening a show in North OC, otherwise known as Long Beach. It will run until April 17th at The University Art Museum and all the details can be found here. ...

Just got back and man, I'm tired. Lots of people, lots of talking. Report Card: Curatorial Interest: High. Lots of curators at the event some freelancers some with institutions. I have follow up to do with the San Diego Art Museum (loved Christine Nguyen). I have follow up to do with the Riverside Art Museum (They are doing a show in the summer that might include EunKang Koh, keep your fingers crossed) and I also have follow up to do with The French Consulate ( they want...

Like I promised I took some pictures of the events of the day. I have to say I was wrong. I thought there was going to be a lot of small work on paper but there is a lot of large good art to be found at this event...

Sorry for the lite posting but I'm trying to get work done at my real job while getting ready for artLA. I'll be hanging tomorrow, so hopefully I'll take a couple of shots of the booth and post for those of you that won't be able to make it. For those of you that will make it, please stop by and say hello. It would be nice to meet people that actually read this blog. I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be successful. I'm a little concerned because...

Centered on the Center opens tonight at The HB Art Center. This is their annual event where they open the doors and let all comers hang their art. The whole art spectrum will be covered and the openings are always packed. Details Follow: Friday, January 21, 2005- 6-9pm 538 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 ...